Dark Sky Friendly Outdoor Light Fixtures by Progress Lighting

Periodically, we like to showcase outdoor light fixtures that are both dark sky friendly and attractive. The thought being, if more of these high quality, dark sky friendly lights are installed... instead of the typical brass & glass glare bomb... there'll be more cool things to see in the night sky. With that said...
Here, we have a beautiful dark sky friendly outdoor wall lantern by Progress Lighting. This fixture, shown in Copper, is available in Antique Nickel, Copper, Guilded Iron. You'll immediately notice that the bulb is not directly visible at this angle. That's because, the bulb is mounted up inside of the fixture. This ensures that it won't be contributing to light pollution. It'll be a great first step towards implementing a dark sky friendly Outdoor Lighting plan... and it can be found in the metallic wall lights section of your favorite outdoor lighting retailer, Starry Night Lights.
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