Awesome Weekend Viewing

Saturday started out kind of cranky... with clouds and scattered showers. Keeping faith in the Clear Sky Clock... and the hourly forecast, we headed for the high country. About 1/2 hour before sunset... the Sun began to shine :-) We were treated to a very nice sunset... and things only got better from there. We got a sweet view of Venus & Jupiter setting in the west... and things only got better from there too!
As darkness fell upon our 9400' campsite, the Milky Way was clearly visible from horizon to horizon. I readied the scope... and spent the next several hours "cherry-picking" goodies from the sky. Hercules, The Ring, The Veil, and countless other Deep Sky Treasures were on the menu.
Clear, dark skies... and lots of aperture. Observing doesn't get much better than that!
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